5 Cheap Accessories Under $25 for Every Traveler !

Published by CamDarling on

We know preparing for a trip can be stressful! So if you or a close friends or family member are getting ready for an extended holiday, here are five cheap accessories you can get for under $25 USD that make traveling easy!

These products range from very cheap with more limited function, to more expensive and custom. But most importantly, make sure the accessory you are looking to pick up is compatible with your smartphone, GoPro, DSLR or other technology.  

  1. Phone USB to SD Card Reader
  2. SD Cards
  3. Mini Tripod
  4. Pro Selfie Stick
  5. Portable Charger

1. Lightning USB to SD Card Reader  

It’s a small USB cable that connects your SD Card directly to your phone. Simple and very useful. No need for slow Wi-Fi transfers via Google Drive, AirDrop or your laptop files. Just insert the SD Card and automatically import. The lightning USB is for the iPhones and iPads. and the Micro USB is for Android & GoPros. On the other end you can choose a full size SD Card Reader or a MicroSD reader (or both). Warning: Check compatibility with your SD Card Share your photos faster, on the go, whenever you want.
  • Price Range: $6.99 to $35.00 USD
  • Brands: Apple, Cloudswal, SmartQ, etc…

2. SD Card (or MicroSD) 

Obviously if you plan on taking hundreds of amazing photos and videos you’ll need a big storage card for your camera and GoPro! In 4 months, I took around 4500 photos that required 15 GB of storage. But after one week of using my GoPro, I already filled my 32 GB micro SD Card. Pack a few if you can’t offload the data onto a laptop or cloud. We all hate deleting photos. It’s often not much more expensive for a large 64 or 128 GB card, but you’ll need to check compatibility with your USB cables and devices.
  • Price Range: $12.99 to $50.00 USD
  • Brands: San Disk, Sony, Lexar, Samsung, etc…

3. Mini Tripod or Monopod

I first saw a collapsible Monopod on a ferry and asked the photographer if I could check it out. It was so small and compact, but still functioned like a normal tripod.

But then I saw these mini octopus tripods and automatically assumed they originated from Japan, where all the weird products are invented. 

As an active person, the octopus tripod is amazing! If you can pick one up that supports your DSLR and GoPro, you can do a lot with them! 

  • Price Range: $12.99 to $150 USD
  • Brands: Joby, Patekfly, Daisen, etc…

4. Pro Selfie Stick

At first I thought these were super embarrassing to use. But it’s my trip, I’m only here once and I want an awesome selfie on the Great Wall, Time Square or Wherever! 

Everyone in Asia uses them and you can capture a lot of great photos and video. So whatever, I got a pro selfie stick that fits my phone and GoPro and I’m not ashamed to take it out and use it!

  • Price Range: $5.99 to $25.99 USD
  • Brands: FugeTek, Blitzwolf, UbreeSize, etc…

5. Portable Battery/Charger

We all know that night buses, overnight train rides or airport layovers can leave us without a phone charge for extended periods. Or even multi-day hikes or camping. Keep a few extra charges in your bag! If you don’t have one yet, they are very useful on the traveler’s trail and in everyday life!

Warning: Do not peel off the stick on the charger, they are required to get passed some airport security in the US. They took mine and I was super annoyed. 

  • Price Range: $9.99 to $49.99 USD
  • Brands: Duracell, Lumina, Poweradd, etc…

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